9 November 1938 – 9 November 2019
81 Years – Night of Broken Glass (Reichsprogromnacht)
WOW.23 / Latvia
6th International Holocaust Conference
Riga/Latvia – 21-22 May 2019
d/i/light trailer 2019

26 May 2019
New addition!
The shortfilm “Tiger Leap”, German orginal title “Tigersprung”, 2017/2018, 27:00
by Boaz Kaizmann, Peter Rosenthal, Marcus Seibert – artists & film makers living in Cologne/Germany
9 November 1938 – 9 November 2018
80 Years – Night of Broken Glass (Reichskristallnacht)
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) Steven Ausherman (USA), Yochai Avrahami & Karin Eliyahu (IL), Marta Azparren (Spain) , Theme Bannenberg & Nok Snel (NL), Bebe Beard (USA), Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) , Christiano Berti (Italy) , Christophe Bisson (France), Isobel Blank (Italy), Paolo Bonfiglio (Italy) , Vanane Borian (Israel), Dova Cahan (Israel), Marita Contreras (Peru) , Brian Delevie (USA), Alicia Felberbaum (UK), Jenna Feldman (USA), Alessandro Fonte (Italy), Peter Freund (USA) , Ela Goldman (Israel) , Beate Gordes (Germany) , Grace Graupe Pillard (USA), Konstantinos-A. Goutos (GR), Felice Hapetzeder I (SWE), Todd Herman (USA), Istvan Horkay(Hungary), Murad Ibragimbekov (Russia) , Arne Intveen (Switzerland) , Shelley Jordon (USA) , Mária Júdová (Czech Republik) enachem Kaiser (USA) , Anetta Kapon (USA), Holger Kiess (Germany), Shon Kim (South Korea) , Lilia Kopac (Lithuania), Maria Korporal (NL) , Tammy Mike Laufer (IL), Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) , Heike Liss & Thea Farhadian (USA, Marcantonio Lunardi I (Italy), Lukas Matejka (Slovakia), Wrik Mead (Canada) , Branko Miliskovic (Serbia) , Valerio Murat and Antonio Poce (Italy) , Jay Needham (USA), Doris Neidl (Austria) , Ben Neufeld I (USA), Brigitte Neufeldt I (Germany), Andrea Nevi (Italy), Miri Nishri (IL) , Cezary Ostrowski (Poland) , Paolo Ottonello (italy), Anaïs Pélaquier (France) , Jacob J. Podber (USA) , Doron Polak & Uri Dushy (IL), Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain) , Roland Quelven (France), Joseph Rabie (France), Janet Riedel, Katja Pratschke, Gusztáv Hámos (Hu) , Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Isabelle Rozenbaum (France), Nathania Rubin I (USA), Jens Salander (SWE) , Antti Savela (SWE) , Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (Austria) , Elana Schwadron Minkow (IL), Daveed Shwartz (IL) , Maja Schweizer (Germany) , Deborah Sfez (Israel) , Boris Sribar (Serbia) , Roderick Steel (Brazil), Hadas Tapuchi (IL) , Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel (Israel), Thanut Rujitanont (Thailand) , Myriam Thyes (Switzerland), Angelina Voskopoulos (Greece), Daniel Wechsler (Israel) , Yonatan Weinstein (IL) , Susanne Wiegner (Germany, Mariusz Wirski(Poland), Rachel Zaretzky (USA), Anna Zett (Germany)
New on Christmas 2017!
Deborah Sfez (Israel)
and her video “A Journey to the Land of Memory”, 2017, 5:30
9 November 2017
Night of Broken Glass
Release of two new additions
Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain)
Sacrifice, 2017, 11:50
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden)
Image of a Traitor Trailer, 2017
21 October 2017
WOW d/i/light is a new format to screen selected videos from Shoah Film Collection in the frame-work of “The W:OW Project – We Are One World”. The 1st selection is presented by artvideoKOELN in the framework of WOW.08 / Venezuela @ 3rd NodoCCS viderart Festival Caracas – 21-26 October 2017
featuring the videos
Shon Kim (South Korea) – Latent Sorrow – 2006, 3:30
Katya Yabukov (Uzbekistan) – Migration, 2014, 1:40
Isabel Pérez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Sacrifice, 2017, 11:50
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – Anthropometry 154855, 2015, 3:30
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 3:30
Alessandro Fonte (Italy) – Unisono, 2013, 2:37
27 September 2017
selection results from the SFC 2017 campaign
list of selected videos
Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain)
Sacrifice, 2017, 11:50
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden)
Image of a Traitor Trailer, 2017
–> more to come
27 January 2017 – International Holocaust Menorial Day
open call
Submission Campaign 2017
Regulations and entry form
Since 2010, when Shoah Film Collection and its 1st open call were lauched on 27 January ( International Holocaust Memorial Day – Liberation of the Concentration Camp Auschwitz), traditionally on the next following 9 November (commemorating the “Night of Broken Glass” – “Reichskristallnacht” which is considered to be the start of the Holocaust) the results of the open call, eg new additions to Shoah Film Collection are released.
So also in 2016, when the results of the 7th open call in sequence are published on 9 November, consisting this time of 3 components:
1. extension of the video collection: the 19 videos selected from the 120 submissions
2. extension of Shoah Film Collection Interview Project: 6 new interviews
3. SFC Blog: Article by Dova Cahan spotlighting the Ferramonti camp and the making of the latest film dealing with the concentration camp in Calabria.
Ad 1.
including the videos
01. Dova Cahan (Israel) – My Visit at Ferramonti of Tarsia, 2016, 12:10
02. Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) – Jewish Life in Halle/Saale, 2005/2015, 4:30
03. Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) – Güterbahnhof/Freight Depot of Halle/Saale, 2005/2016 , 06:26
04. Wrik Mead (Canada) – Camp, 2000, 12:00
05. Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) – “Lizt”, 2015, 02’38”
06. Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (Austria) – Display Case, 2014, 10´14´´
07. Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Kafka’s Sisters, 2014, 3:57
09. Mária Júdová (Czech Republik) – Metaphors of the body, 2013, 6min 4sec
10. Vanane Borian (Israel) – 1915-“, 2015, 2.33
11. Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – Anthropometry 154855, 2015, 3:30
12. Allan Siegel/Rene Lichtman (USA) – Hidden Poland, 2003, 60:00
13. Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Behind this page but not disappearing 2015, 16:40
14. Beate Gordes (Germany) – been a war child / Kriegskind gewesen, 2014, 3:22 min.
15. Albert Bayona (Spain) – Sundays on the Edge of the Empire), 2015, 07:30
16. Roderick Steel (Brazil) – Implementation: A Telematic Triptych, 2016, 03:30
17. Rachel Zaretzky (USA) – “My Visit to the Memorial of the Murdered Jews of Europe”, 2015, 1:55
18. Alessandro Fonte (Italy) – Unisono, 2013, 2:37
19. Thanut Rujitanont (Thailand) – Teun, 2016, 4:13
please open the links on the right
Ad 2.
New interviews by
Angelina Voskopoulou, Vanane Borian, Myriam Thyes, Marta Asparren, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Brigitte Neufeldt
more details on http://sfcip.engad.org/?p=145
Ad 3. Dova Cahan about her film dealing with her visit in Ferramonti of Tarsia and her film
more details on http://dts.engad.org/blog/?p=407
1 September 2016
d/i/light – trailer for review
[evp_embed_video url=”http://downloads.newmediaserver.org/dilight-trailer-full-360.mp4″ width=”840″]
Trailer for download – go to – http://sfc.engad.org/video/?p=1
1 September 2016
this is the complete shortlist of selected videos from the Shoah Film Collection submission campaign 2016
01. Dova Cahan (Israel) – My Visit at Ferramonti of Tarsia, 2016, 12:10
02. Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) – Jewish Life in Halle/Saale, 2005/2015, 4:30
03. Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) – Güterbahnhof/Freight Depot of Halle/Saale, 2005/2016 , 06:26
04. Wrik Mead (Canada) – Camp, 2000, 12:00
05. Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) – “Lizt”, 2015, 02’38”
06. Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (Austria) – Display Case, 2014, 10´14´´
07. Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Kafka’s Sisters, 2014, 3:57
09. Mária Júdová (Czech Republik) – Metaphors of the body, 2013, 6min 4sec
10. Vanane Borian (Israel) – 1915-“, 2015, 2.33
11. Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – Anthropometry 154855, 2015, 3:30
12. Allan Siegel/Rene Lichtman (USA) – Hidden Poland, 2003, 60:00
13. Angelina Voskopoulos (Greece) – Behind this page but not disappearing 2015, 16:40
14. Beate Gordes (Germany) – been a war child / Kriegskind gewesen, 2014, 3:22 min.
15. Albert Bayona (Spain) – Sundays on the Edge of the Empire), 2015, 07:30
16. Roderick Steel (Brazil) – Implementation: A Telematic Triptych, 2016, 03:30
17. Rachel Zaretzky (USA) – “My Visit to the Memorial of the Murdered Jews of Europe”, 2015, 1:55
18. Alessandro Fonte (Italy) – Unisono, 2013, 2:37
19. Thanut Rujitanont (Thailand) – Teun, 2016, 4:13
30 August 2016
In future, there will more presentation formats for Shoah Film Collection. The new one is entitled “d/i/light – Darkness Into Light Festival”
1 August 2016
The SFC campaign for recruiting new videos for Shoah Film Collection – starting, like each year, on 27 January – closed on 1 August 2016.
In total 122 submissions arrived, this is quantitative not more than 2015, but the submissions 2016 were more substantial. Rather shocking was again, that many submissions had thematically no connection to SHOAH and it became obvious, that the submitting artists did not read the outlined core of the open call nor did anything about SHOAH, at all.
The selected artists will be shortlisted in September, while the videos will be released on 9 November 2016 commemorating 9 November 1938 – the “Night of Broken Glass”, which is said to be the start of the Holocaust.
17 June 2016
SFC released a trailer for download – duration 14:40 min
mp4 640×360 (630MB)
mpeg2 720×576 (890MB)
2 April – 28 May 2016
A selection from SFC _ Shoah Film Collection was presented by artvideoKOELN @ Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/USA –>
In the Name of Truth: Time, Peace & Humanity
27 January 2016
Open call – launch of the 2016 campaign – http://netex.nmartproject.net/?p=6921
10 January 2016
Shoah Film Collection became corporate part of the media art project “://self~imaging – artists show face against Intolerance, Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism –
9 November 2015
A Virtual Memorial Foundation
is happy to include the new additions to SFC _ SHoah Film Collection
on occasion of the commemoration day – 9 November 2015 – the 77th return of the “Night of Broken Glass (Reichskristallnacht), when the NAZI were destroying the synagogues in Germany just in 1 night. This date is considered to be the start of the HOLOCAUST and the neverending collective trauma.
Shoah Film Collection
is happy to welcome new film additions by following creators
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne III (Germany) – POLAK – Stages of Memory, 2015, 40:00
Marta Azparren (Spain) – Towards Todtnauberg, 2014, 5:40
Dova Cahan II (Israel) – My aunt Mina and her son Shmuel never came back from Auschwitz”. 2015, 9.18
Murad Ibragimbekov (Russia) – Human, 2015, 8:39
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Anne Frank, 2014 , 6:20
Valerio Murat and Antonio Poce (Italy) – They made a desert and was called peace, 2014, 8’45”
Ben Neufeld II (USA) – The Deaf Lumberjack, The Blind Potboiler, 2015, 25:25
Paolo Ottonello (Italy) – Litte chronicle from the Bell Tower, 2015, 03:25
Anaïs Pélaquier (France) – How I lost my voice – Comment j’ai perdu ma voix, 2003, 33’21”
Myriam Thyes (Switzerland) – Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s Vanishing Lines, 2015, 10:10
Daniel Wechsler (Israel) – Remains, 2014, 02:18
Mariusz Wirski II (Poland) – Pan Werner , 2015, 4:00
Mariusz Wirski III (Poland) – 45-39, 2015, 8:41
Anna Zett (Germany) – NOW vs NOW vs NOW, 2012, 5:52