MMarcantonio Lunardi (Italy)
Director, cameraman, documentarist, Marcantonio Lunardi has practiced, since the beginning of his experience, a contamination of visual techniques, which is the most significant feature of his work.
Graduated from the Festival des Peuples, hestudied, among the others, with Daniele Gaglianone, Leonardo di Costanzo, Giuseppe Napoli, Gherardo Gossi, Marie-‐Pierre Duhamel Muller, Luca Gasparini.
By following the master class with Michael Glawogger, Sergei Dvortsevoy, Thomas Heis,he has been able to deepen his knowledge of the directing art and of its hardest aspects.
Title:No, 2013, 2:29
NO is a work about the victims of nazi-‐fascist cruelty.
Every NO is the cry of a victim, is the refuse of abandon the life.
NO is the contrast between the normal aspect of this bucolic landscapes and the dramatic events happen on the Tuscany lands between 1944 and 1945.
NO is also the contemporary reject of the all totalitarian violence.
NO is narration, NO is membership and identity because only through the force of collective memory is possible the survival of the human society.
The landscapes of the film are the real places of the nazi-‐fascist massacres