Jacob J. Podber
is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Southern Illinois University. His book, The Electronic Front Porch: An Oral History of the Arrival of Modern Media in Rural Appalachia and the Melungeon Community, was the recipient of the Ray and Pat Browne Book of the Year Award. Dr. Podber’s research has appeared in many leading media books and journals and has been recognized with numerous awards including the Oral History Association Article of the Year Award – Honorable Mention for “Television’s Arrival in the Appalachian Mountains of the USA: An Oral History.” He is the writer and producer of the radio documentary, Turn Your Radio On: Imaginative Ways Appalachians Joined the Electronic Media Revolution.
Title: Vishneva, Belarus Soviet Union Poland, 2013, 2:35
“Vishneva, Belarus Soviet Union Poland” is grounded in the oral history testimony of a Holocaust survivor and has been deconstructed by the interviewee’s son. Unlike most oral histories that focus on the words of the interviewee, “Vishneva” uses silent images from the interview superimposed with typed memories that describe the unspoken pain borne by father and son through more than half a century.