Isabel Pérez del Pulgar – SACRIFICE, 2017, 11:50
Codec H264 / 16:9 – 1920 x 1080
Inability to confront and describe the horror
V I D E O Isabel Pérez del Pulgar
S O U N D Titre: Scopiton2005 – #4 Artiste: Goo : grand orchestre d’ordinateurs Artiste de l’album: Goo : grand
orchestre d’ordinateurs Compositeur: GOO Label: FIBRR RECORDS Licences Creative Commons – by-ncsa
Isabel Pérez del Pulgar
Isabel Pérez del Pulgar born in Granada (Espana) and resident in France from 2015. Bachelor of Geography and Histories with the Art specialty for the University of Granada. She realizes of monographic specialization courses on theory of the color, painting, drawing and skills of engraving in the School of Arts of Granada, as well as courses on diseno and digital art. In the middle of the decade of 2000 he adopts like way of creation and of expression the video.
The video as plastic vehicle where there unite the movement, the sound and the pictorial vision. The work is conceived like a continuous fresh air split into series and autonomous projects.
Her work has been exhibited and selected in numerous international festivaless. It has developed projects with composers and videoartistas international. Of between emphasizing these: Daily Actions con W. Matthies, Pool Pearls & Streampearls con W. Matthies, P. Chagas y J. M. Sebastian, TOPOLOGIE DES NEUF CERCLES y Stabat Mater con R.Quelven y Rey Eissen, © Estanca 17” con R. Quelven, Exquisite What Project. Open Memory Project con el Equipo Andalusianas, of that she is a cofounder.
Chosen work: BANG, IX Festival Internacional de Video Arte , Galeria Contrast y Galeria H2O Barcelona (Spain) -IVAHM ́16 New Media Arts Festival Madrid Human Landscapes // Body // Portraits La Neomudejar Madrid (Spain)
-inCINEracion festival independiente Fundacion Euroarabe de Altos Estudios curated by Julio Juste Ocana Granada
(Spain) – Femmes’ Video Art Festival 2 – A Survey of Contemporary Video Art by International, Female-identified Artists.
Coimbra (Portugal) – CologneOFF 2016 USA In the Name of TRUTH : Time, Peace and Humanity @ Torrance Art
Museum (LA) – INTERCAMBIOS, muestra internacional de videoarte y videoperformance, Flacso Cine. Quito (Ecuador)
Curated by Andres Cuartas. – Festival INSTANTS VIDEO Numeriques et Poetiques Les corps desaccordes Marseille,
Bouches-du-Rhone (France) – Now&After International Video Art Festival, Schusev State Museum of Architecture,
Moscow (Russia)……….
Work included in: Catalogo de la Galeria OB-ART. Programa VIDEOsPAIN, Itinerancia Transvisuales dependiente de
AECID y curador Iury Lech .Plataforma videosdeautor.tv CIDV – Video-art Investigation and Documentation. Center
Videotheque Art Stream .
Collections: Arte ALTER – Coleccion Curate Por Jaime Rodriguez, CTFC – Colectivo Trauma Film Collection comisariada Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, Cologne OFF X – Arte Total – Alienados Territorios , Bop Decameron curator Marco Bazzini. Certaldo, Florencia, MAGMART Coleccion permanente de CAM Casoria Arte Contemporaneo Museum.
Awards: 2º Premio, 2ª Bienal Internacional de Videoarte y Animacion 2016 (VEA) Puebla (México) / Prefinalista DISCOVERY Award – LOOP Barcelona 2016 (Spain) / Finalista en LUMINICO INTERNACIONAL, Mexico. 2016 / Premio Especial del Jurado MADATAC 06 (2014) Spain. / Mencion de Honor 1ª Bienal de Videoarte y Animacion, VEA. Puebla (Mexico) 2014 / Premio Bop Decameron: curatore di Bop Decameron Marco Bazzini, Direttore Artistico del Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci di Prato. Certaldo, Florencia 2013 (Italy)