Holger Kiess (Germany)
project team “Spurensuche” c/o Holger Kieß the project team “Spurensuche” (track-tracing) was founded in the late 2005 in the context of the project “Mit Konflikten leben lernen” organized by the Kölner Appell gegen Rassismus e.V (http://www.mkll.de). The 19 members with different provenances (Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece, Turkey and Germany) were accompanied by Dogan Akhanli (writer),
Iris Biesewinkel (social service professional), Holger Kieß (author for artwork and TV) and Anne Klein (historian).
Title: Purane Korakori – old steps, 2007, 33:18
20 people from Cologne with different provenances (Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece, Turkey and Germany) are seeking traces about the shared history of Romanies and Germans. The search starts in Cologne during the time of National Socialism, goes on to the “Zigeuner-Familienlager/concentration camp for Gypsy families” in Auschwitz-Birkenau and leads finally back to Cologne at present time.
At the center point there are the places of remembrance as well as the people themselves with their different perspectives to previous and today´s history.
The documentary “Purane Korakori – old steps” is a co-production of the project team.