Ela Goldman (Israel)
Ela Goldman, born in Poland and currently living in Tel Aviv, Israel, is an interdisciplinary artist, focusing mostly on installation and video-art works. Goldman holds a PhD in from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. She has previously studied cinema and theatre and worked as a set designer as well as head of scenography at the Atelier Theatre in Poland. Goldman has won several awards and honorary mentions for her artistic achievements and her works have been shown in prestigious venues in Poland and Israel. Since 1998, Goldman has been a lecturer for art at the Kibbutzim College in Tel Aviv.
Read her Interview for SFC on http://sfcip.engad.org/?page_id=80
“What Has Been Will Be Again, What Has Been Done Will Be Done Again” from the series: Borderlands
2013, 3:49 min.
“What Has Been Will Be Again, What Has Been Done Will Be Done Again” from the series: Borderlands shows a “carpet” comprised of over 400 dreidels set on the floor. The dreidels alternately spin to create an almost abstract pattern of color and form. Putting the familiar holiday game into a new context, this work is a tribute to the Jewish culture that was almost annihilated in WW2. The main element in this piece is the dreidel used as a symbol for the continuity of generations. This toy, which my children played with in Israel, is the same as the ones my ancestors used in Poland, before the war, and their heritage lives on with it.