Dova Cahan (Israel)
My Visit at Ferramonti of Tarsia, 2016, 12:10
This short documentary film “My Visit to Ferramonti of Tarsia” 2016 is based on my vist to Ferramonti in Calabria, in the south of Italy.
This was the first Concentration Camp which was established during the Italian Fascist period.The internees were most Italian Jews and other European Jews, but included also people who were against the regime as well as foreigners and stateless.
In this film there is my introduction to this visit, an interview and explication of the Camp Museum by the director and two additional interviews : one the daughter of an internee that lives still in Calabria and a another to a family friend of us which was also an internee in this Camp.
Dova Cahan
I was born in Bucarest-Romania on June 17, 1947. Since the year 2000 I dedicate mayself to the story of my family and the period of the Holocaust in Romania and now as well also in Italy.
After my first documentary film : “The Zionist Journey from Romania to Eritrea” 2011, that is already part of the SFC – Shoah Film Collection as well as my second one “My Aunt Mina and her son Shmuel never came back from Auschwitz” 2015. I include hereby also my third short documentary film “My visit to Ferramonti of Tarsia” 2016.