Dario Lazzaretto (Italy)
“Lizt”, 2015, 02’38”
“An obvious tribute to the victims of the Shoah, a graphic / acoustic representation of horror and the importance of memory.” (voice of Sara Barausse; names list from yadvashem.org)
Dario Lazzaretto
(Padua, 1975) work with a practice and a relational approach. He’s interested in the social, political and cultural aspects of contemporary life; his works often use the sound element as the main vehicle of meaning, while maintaining a visual component. He has participated in numerous international residency programs (Italy, Iceland, Cyprus, the Netherlands, United States). Among the venues that have proposed its work within museums and prestigious Italian and international private institutions, among which: Dortyart Museum (Dordrecht-NL); Macro (Rome), Museum Les Abbattoirs (Toulouse), Italian Institute of Culture (Barcelona), Palace of Arts (Naples); and many more.