Branko Miliskovic

Branko Miliskovic


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Branko Miliskovic (Serbia)

born 1982 Belgrade-Serbia,YUG, currently based in The Hague ,NL. Education:2003-2007 Faculty of Fine Arts- Class of Mrdjan Bajic – sculpture department,Belgrade/S, 2007-2009 Royal Academy of Art –KABK- The Hague – The Netherlands, 2009 Graduated from Royal Academy of Arts , Bachelor Degree, 2009 The Hague, NL

Title: Detention Paradise, 2009, 7:40
Detention Paradise is a short film, a sublimation of my past and my present. There is no predictable future, just an illusion of the period of time to come, with a very pathetic ending. The film starts with my communist past, during the – lovely- time I spent in Yugoslavia.
I was the last generation of Tito’s pioneers. That is the first image in this film entitled FATHERLAND. One year later Yugoslavia didn’t exist anymore. In 1990 the war started, and since that moment I felt like a detainee in my own country. Through this short film, personal drama of absurdity, I wanted to show to the audience that extremely bizarre period which covered more than 20 years of my life. Individual and collective guilt for (non) committed crime took a central place in this film. Detention Paradise jumps from one identity to another, from a true story to an imaginary one, from a dream to a ritual… the language of the body often taking over from the word, interrupting it or, on the contrary, stimulating it. Detention Paradise is guided by several principles including discontinuity, ritualization and frontality as well as fiction.