Tiger Leap, 2017/18, duration of original film: 27:30
Original title: Tigersprung
3 minutes trailer (mp4)
link to the English subtitled film version –
The story is about Ernst Berliner, a Jewish trackcycling-manager from Cologne-Ehrenfeld, who after WWII, he survived hidden in Zaandam in the NL, tried to open a case about the death of his friend and pupil Albert Richter. Albert Richter, “Fliegerweltmeister” (trackcycling world champion) in 1932 and repeatedly German champion had been betrayed and therefore killed at Lörrach Gestapo-prison in 1940 while trying to abscond to Switzerland, after refusing tenaciously to deliver the Hitler salute or to wear swastika jerseys during his races. In 1966 the Cologne public prosecution department refused to file a lawsuit clarifying the casualty. Important witness statements were disregarded, the aperture of the coffin remained undone. The quarrel about the naming of the Cologne velodrome in the mid-nineties reveals, that the Nazi dictum, that the name Albert Richter should be erased of all memories continued to be effective well into the times of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Boaz Kaizman (visual director / music / editing)
video and multimedia artist. Born 1962 in Tel Aviv, 1985 – 1986 “The Ramat-Hasharon Academy for Teachers of Art”, Israel, 1994 – 1999 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1998 Meisterschüler Prof. Konrad Klapheck,
2006 lecturer, at the PXL/MAD-art-faculty Hasselt, Belgium
lives and works in Cologne since 1995. He is married and has two children.
selected video-exhibitions: Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Street Level Gallery, Glasgow, Open Space, ART Cologne.
“Moving Images Artists & Video/Film”, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, “Teardrops“ Cologne Kunstverein, Cologne.
“Video Studio V: The Rhythm Is…” Museum Folkwang, Essen, “Chargesheimer” The Photo Book Museum, Cologne.
“Drawing now”, Paris, Drawing Center New York (online), “Conjunction” with Marcel Odenbach, Mirko Mayer gallery, Cologne.
„Tiger-Leap“ Schauspielhaus, Cologne, „büro komplex“ Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen, „new on show“ Museum Ludwig, Cologne.
Peter Rosenthal (story)
Peter Rosenthal, born 1960 in Arad, Romania, currently works as a General Practitioner in Cologne, Germany. He moved there in 1973. He is the author of works such as „Along Venloer Strasse“ (Kiepenheuer&Witsch), „In die Zeit fallen“ (Schardt Verlag), „33 Gedichte“ (Tauland), „Venedig ist auch nicht viel größer als Ehrenfeld“ (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig) and „Ehrenfeld Alphabet“ (Parasitenpresse). „Along Venloer Strasse“ was translated 2018 into Rumanian under the name: „De a lungul Strãzii Venlo“ (Hasefer Bukarest). Peter is married, with two daughters.
Marcus Seibert (screenwriter / producer)
born on April first 1964 in Aachen. Works as screenwriter, writer and translator in Cologne. One of the editors of filmmagazin “Revolver”. Translation of film books by Eric Rohmer, Raymond Depardon, Michael Haneke and others. Filmography as screenwriter: “Wir Monster” (feature film 2016).