Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece)
Behind this page but not disappearing 2015, 16:40
The whole idea came from the theory that the “seeds” of life exist already all over the Universe, that life on Earth may have originated through these “seeds”…it is not religious but spiritual, in a conceptual way.
The idea of exogenesis (outside origin).
It is also about Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. From chaos Eros is being born (love). Literally become one again (The question arose from Plato’s Symposium, which refers to the creation of mankind…. Each of us is half of another person as if he were half of a whole cut in two and in this way each person seeks the part, which ones is missing. The reason for this is that people were not always cut into two parts. The desire and the pursuit of this reunion is called love…
“Exogenesis’’ is responsibly depicting energy, illuminated energy which moves freely inside the electrical field of the universe, interconnecting every Thing, holding and shaping the physical, the spiritual and the intellectual world, giving it life and movement.
“Exogenesis” is all about the flash like moment when light is about to define form and prevail over darkness, when the soul hidden inside every thing is ready to emerge and identify with an idea that will give it its form. It attempts a visual presentation of that very moment at the very boundaries between the inner and the outer world, where all the contraries touch. It is an act of truce, an armistice and a resolution, in the sense that it represents, expresses and displays, in graceful movement and harmonic progression, “our life a permanent flow inside a steady time frame”. The alluring mystery of darkness versus the illuminated mystery of light, chaos versus order, the innumerable possibilities of synthesis, are all there, available material for man to use…
A life articulated in the void, deprived of every stimulus and devoid of any meaning, must correspond to a “frozen” time, without a flow. A time that knows no past or present, static, unmoving, a bad eternity…Narrative-shots in ruins-skin-the soul of things)
Every time there is an intense emotion it’s like a smoke/mist coveringeverything around. Some other times, it’s as if it’s embracing everything and others as if it’s encaging everything. Fear, love, hatred, all create smoke(mist) of varying density,width and colour. Everything disperses like smoke, except when they merge into a wall (the dream of the guy(man?) by the door produces some smoke, as if reaching a conclusion).
If you’re wandering aimlessly on a beach, for example, as I’m doing now, there’ no specific colour of smoke. If, however, you’re travelling for a specific reason it’s different. It’s like those moments when you get back home after an exhausting day’s work and you project a shape around you which leaves you and heads towards your destination.
“I stood there , staring into the horizon, trying to distinguish or imagine shapes and forms reflected in the clouds and the clear water. Trying to see waves, smoke and energy fields… The messages we ourselves emit.
Every cell in a body and every molecule and atom in that cell is in a state of incessant vibration, making up a greater amount of energy which is able to transform the electric properties of the space they occupy. The message of change travels to other places at the speed of light. Given that our organisms are different, each of us echoes-reverberates in a frequency that is a personal trait, as unique as our fingerprints. We are like radars. Sensors, sensitive to messages from similar distant organisms.
(Close ups of ruins-skin-soul of things-digging into matter) all paths are well-trodden, full of people and murmurs. But there is one that differs, a path with a soul. A path that, without hesitation, begins the rhythm of its own life. Anyway to know something well one must really touch it. Not meaning to be crude-to my mind only inaction(inertia) is crude. I focus on my bare feet, on this piece of soft earth. There could be many routes leading to the same place, though none of them would be as suitable as this one. I let it affectionately carry my bare feet. Paths like this
one appear in nature of their own volition. They are the result of the spiritual relationship that connects the earth and its people, those who can sense the rhythm of its breath. Such a path, embellishes the landscape rather than violate and disfigure it.
A common thread that runs through identical or disparate elements and ends up being a state of things retired unto itself which cannot be seen through one’s eyes but can rather be felt. The lights pulsing timorously in the firmament are perhaps a rhythm of recoiling into themselves. Perhaps if we are at harmony with them we will find the meaning…the way…The earth is living, tossing in her sleep, dreaming, stirring, breathing, panting. Her humours course through her body. Her waters convey information. We grow, we mature with her, or so we believe.
(Stretching)Spreading her senses towards the universe, observing and waiting for the echo of the melody which will signal a new super-sensuous dance. (dancer on sand)
Ready to respond. We are born in a fluid state. Everything born on earth was born in water. We have all experienced life in the liquid element at least once. ——————–Nine months for most -seven and a half for me- in the womb’s liquids, a respiratory cord connected to our belly. There we heard everything. The maternal heartbeat, the creaking bones all around us, a frothing beer and any other sound from our immediate environment…trying to retain our primeval functions …apart from our bodily mass, each of us carries over 10 tons of air. The only reason we are not crushed is that the blood and the other bodily fluids which are compressed counterbalance the atmospheric pressure…it’s a sensitive balance,…a sensitive chaos. So I sing of the day and the sea and the time and the planets. And thus I am entangled with all I wish for and am at one with everything in this guileless toing and froing, for in our future lie roving bolts of lightning and violent flour storms…..
Angelina Voskopoulou 2015
Angelina Voskopoulou:
Born in Athens, Greece on 14th May 1981.
I am a graduate (BA with Distinction) in Fine Arts and Technology and I also have a Masters degree in Digital Arts(university of the Arts London). I am teaching at Athens cultural center Art and New Media . I am also the course leader in Digital Arts at iversity (platform for open massive online courses) More over, I am working my own videos, as well as sculptures made from polyester. I am also the Co founder and video artist/director of ‘state of flux’ dance group.
On 2010, I was one of the Representative artists in European meeting of young artists, of the European network for town twinning, congress hall National Center of scientific research ‘Democritus’, Athens cultural center.
I have shown my work in many art festivals and exhibition spaces worldwide(Greece,Italy,Canada,Sweden,London,USA,Spain,Peru,Argentina,Bulgaria,Morocco)
Recently I was selected for the Biennial Edition of VIDEOFOCUS,Stigmart10 Videobiennale, special issue featuring videoartists and independent filmmakers. More over I am participating in The Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale, 2015-2016. I was selected for Cannes festival (short film corner, 2015), further more, I am part of New Digital Art Biennale, in São Paulo and Part of the of the Museum of Digital Fine Arts (MoDFA). Recently selected for V International Biennial of Performance – 2016 – V. Also selected for Articulaction Art review, special edition, 2016,NY
Some of my art work over the past years has been focused on ‘minimal movement’. My view regarding the power of that which is minimal has been reinforced by research, the application of ideas and the results from previous research. The movement of a unit is considered to be that which drives all things. I don’t wish to lead anyone to wonder about the physical world and its laws or create religious questions regarding God and creation. The project is centered on Man and his inner world.That which I call minimal movement, is the internal movement, internal action or intensity and how everything doesn’t necessarily have to entail external action. Even total lack of movement indicates internal intensities, conflicts, disputes and concerns.
Her interview on Shoah Film Collection Interview Project