Agricola de Cologne (Germany)
Title: POLAK – Stages of Memories, 2015/2018, 24:00
Short synopsis
The massacre at Rumbula Forest near Riga (30 November and 8 December 1941), the diary written by Doron Polak’s father during his imprisonment at Riga Ghetto, his survival and the memory of all had and has an fundamental influence on the performative work of the Israeli performance artist. Agricola de Cologne’s film is interpreting the historical and artistic roots by referring to the artistic inventions Doron Polak was realising on occasion of “A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012” and “A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013”. The video is dedicated to the victims of the Rumbula Massacre, and has been completely revised in 2018.
Agricola de Cologne (Germany)
is a multidisciplinary media artist & curator, director of artvideoKOELN & The New Museum of Networked Art and founder of SFC – Shoah Film Collection.